Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Certain woman with the Public ‘Issue’ – A story of Love and Restoration

I was reading the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark’s Gospel when a couple of things (make that a lot of things lol) jumped out at me.

For those who don’t know the story, let me give you a brief synopsis. Here was a woman who had blood gushing out of her for 12 long years. The Bible says that this woman ‘Had suffered many things from many physicians’, and that ‘She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.’ Now picture this woman broke, busted and disgusted and STILL not well! Jeez!! That ought to have hurt her a whole lot yea?

Anyway so this woman heard that Jesus was in town; had probably heard that He healed all sorts of people, kicked out all sorts of demons and probably figured that she’d just try Him out and see. After all, she’d lost ‘everything’ she had on ‘trying’ to get better so technically she had nothing to lose. To cut a long story short, this woman (who remained nameless to the very end), received her healing from Jesus by touching the hem of His garment.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Eulogy to my Dead Sister!

So today marks the 4th year anniversary of Ogor’s death and predictably I am sad – very sad! I was afraid for a minute yesterday; I thought that I had forgotten to remember the day that she was lowered, lifeless and still into the gaping hole buried in the bowels of mother earth. I thought I had ceased to remember her, I thought that I had become too pre-occupied with living that I had forgotten to remember someone who was once (and always will be) so precious to me.

But now I realize that even though I may forget the exact day that she died; I will never forget that she is no longer here. I remember all our plans (how silly they seem now lol); of finishing university at 20 and getting married at 23. I remember us baking cake for hours on end in that hot! Hot! Kitchen on Yala Close in Apapa. I remember the mid afternoon journeys to Waterside, and then Balogun, I remember us laughing to death at Chinedu, I remember us during Food and Nutrition practicals. I remember that overly sensitive place on your neck that I used to love poking; I remember the gap where one of upper canine teeth was supposed to be… I remember the rugrats being exactly that! I remember the strong, almost over powering fragrance of your Perry Ellis 360 degrees perfume.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

DA GRIN: Tribute to Nigeria’s one and only Chief Executive Omoita – 1987 - 2010

Death is something that happens to even the best of us. It is never wanted, never expected, never welcomed, but it always happens. Someone once told me that ‘The Good Die Young’- I agree wholeheartedly. How can one explain the sudden and brutal demise of Dapo Olaitan Olaonikpekun aka Da Grin aka Fimile jooor aka CEO? It’s a sad and totally unwelcome development; but God knows best and death will come when it will, so we’ll take solace in that.

I first heard Da Grin’s widely popular song ‘Kondo’ at a party, and I was like ‘Who be this dude?’ His lyricism, fantastic fusion of English and Yoruba, and earthiness literally blew me away and I rushed to buy his album. I wasn’t disappointed; in fact tracks like Ghetto Dream, Pon Pon Pon, and Gboro became everyday listens on my BB. Finally here was a guy I could relate to on some levels. His realness, street credibility, and humility shone through his music like a 100 watt bulb.

I’ll never forget chuckling to myself when I heard him say in Pon Pon Pon ‘Omo naija ni mi, mo ma’n fi eyin mi si Pepsi (I’m a Nigerian, I use my teeth to open Pepsi) – Deep? Maybe not, Real? Absolutely! That was Da Grin for you. His whole sophomore album chronicled his rags to riches story, his days without food, the pain of trying to cut a record deal, and finally the joy and success that came with being recognized. And inspite of his fame and recognition, Da Grin remained a cool and humble dude. ‘I knew him and he was one of the nicest, most humble persons ever’ says Ajibola Ayana Olubiyi of Swe Bar Lagos

I’m not going into the details of the accident that finally claimed his life. He’s dead and that’s all that matters right now. For someone who was set to stride across the Nigerian music scene like a colossus in 2010, Da Grin’s death is a huge blow to everyone. My heart goes out most especially to his family; I pray that God grants them the fortitude to bear the monumental loss.

Da Grin is gone at only 23 years of age; but he lives on forever in my heart. Rest In Peace Da Grin. Sun re o Dapo! Rest easy from all your struggles; you’re in heaven now drinking heavenly champagne.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Blind Side: Seeing beyond the past and present into the future!

When I first saw the movie poster for ‘The Blind Side’ I knew deep within the innermost recesses of my spirit that I had to see the film. Perhaps it was the dreamy and somewhat determined way that the young, really big, black man sat beside the miniature, blonde haired woman, or it was the fact that I looooooooveeeee Sandra Bullock (and her winning the Oscar did influence my decision a bit lol). Let me also quickly add that I had my reservations as well o! I thought the story line would be one of those stereotyped eccentric-white-woman-helps-troubled-black man ones (which it was…kinda lol). I also thought that perhaps the boy was blind, and maybe Sandra Bullock helped him to regain his sight; hence the name ‘The Blind Side’….yes yes sue me for being a typical naija babe! LOL!

Anyway I digress with all my meaningless chatter:-D.
The introductory monologue delivered at the beginning of the movie in that soothing, almost funny southern twang, enabled me settle in for what turned out to be a great movie. ‘The Blind Side’ is based on the remarkable true story of Baltimore Ravens offensive left tackle Michael Oher (pronounced Oar like in a boat’s oar),played by Quinton Aaron. Michael is a deeply troubled young man who’s been through drama that some people can’t even relate to. Born to a drug addicted, crack head mother and an unknown/absentee father, suffered homelessness, extreme hunger, scarcely educated, lives in the ugliest part of the projects, and is just…well…a recipe for disaster!

On the surface the story is a pretty typical or common one – at least where a good number of poor, black, American people are concerned. The same story of drug addicted, broke, unfit parents, same story of troubled children hauled from one foster home to another, of selling drugs on the street corners, of young men becoming gang bangers, and not living to see their 30th birthdays, or being locked up for the rest of their lives.

Don’t be fooled, that’s not the story of this movie. What’s moving and almost magical is that in the midst of all this ugliness, in the midst of all this despair, God orchestrates events that ensure that Michael is snatched out of the jaws of becoming just another unknown, unheard of statistic in the American system. What starts out as a coach’s wish to have someone his size on his football team, turns out to be a door that literally opens Michael up to quality education, unconditional love from a family he’s never had, and I dare say God!

On an extremely cold and icy night, the Tuohy’s see Michael walking down the street in a threadbare t-shirt, and khakis. After stopping to ask him where he’s going, and discovering that he plans to sleep at the school gym, Leigh Anne Tuohy (played by Sandra Bullock) asks (or orders him more like lol) into the car, and into their home. That singular act changes Michael’s life forever. You’ll need to watch the entire movie to see just exactly how.

Sandra Bullock/Leigh Anne Tuohy put up a SPECTACULAR performance; it’s no wonder that she won an Oscar for that role. She was spunky, sensitive, and spectacular all at the same time. Tim Mcgraw/Sean Tuohy was surprisingly good; a bit stiff, but I’d say that he put in a great performance. Michael Oher played by Quinton Aaron was superb. It must be really hard playing the role of a young man who has retreated behind a wall of silence because of all the pain he’s been through, and because all he sees at a particular stage in his life are ‘White Walls’ (see movie for details). However the dude who should have also won an Oscar was Sean Junior Tuohy aka S.J. A hilarious and funny, red haired freckle faced young lad of about 7 or 8 years old played by Jae Head. His honesty, candour, and easy acceptance of Michael Oher just about blew me away; not forgetting his theatrics and extremely smart mouth. I reckon he’s got a bright future in Hollywood.

The movie did it for me, and here’s why. Lee Anne and Sean Tuohy were (are) Christians – not in word only, but in deed. They weren’t perfect, no sireeee!! But they ensured that they brought up their children with open minds, unfettered by racism or the stupid biases that a lot of us are brought up with. They opened their minds to a young man (from another race), and helped him to achieve his God-given potential. Imagine if they had kept on driving home that night? Michael would probably have been dead before his 25th birthday.

Being Christian is less of being happy, clappy judgemental folk, and more about being your brother’s keeper, and helping him when he’s about to go down! That’s what did it for me, and that’s why I had tears in my eyes at the end of the movie. The Tuohy’s didn’t hoard their wealth or try to use it for self aggrandisement; they used it to impact positively on the life of a young man, who has become one of the greatest sporting lights in America. That’s what we should all strive to do – creating possibilities for our fellow man! Like the motto at the school gate said ‘With men this is possible…but with God ALL things are possible’

Friday, March 05, 2010

Hi there!!!

I've been told by several people that I should start a blog. They say I seem to have a lot to say, express, and share, and so a blog is the way to go! 'But is that really enough reason to start a blog?' I ask myself?...silence!

I'll never know until I start yes? So here it is people! Hate it or love it Sistahspunk is here to stay! :-)

Well I consider myself a total nit wit when it comes to anything techy (trust me! a blog falls into that category lol). But I've decided to do this anyway and see how it turns out yes? I can always delete it, or claim that I forgot how to operate it tehehehehe!!

So welcome...welcometo parts of me, and hopefully parts of other people too!
