Monday, April 07, 2014

Divorce: Here's what I really think about it

I had a very interesting (and difficult) lunch time conversation with a woman  today. Somehow from chatting about our careers, we got talking about divorce. A mother of 4 kids, she's been married for 13 years, 8 of which (in her words) have been pure hell and she's divorcing her husband. Listening to some of her reasons, I must admit that most of them seemed logical.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

‘C’ is for chauvinism: Should we talk about this?

Liked most women, I've faced the issue of male chauvinism in varying degrees, and I usually deal with it by ignoring it, addressing it or sometimes, just laughing it off. But today it was too much of an overload - so yea, I'm addressing it.

A guy who owns a start-up has a meeting scheduled with my boss; my boss is so busy that he asks me to begin the meeting for him. I step into the board room to ready to meet this guy, right arm out-stretched, smile in place; only for this man, this really ill-mannered to remain in his chair, look at me with a mixture of incredulousness and disbelief and say “Are you the one I’m meeting?”

If someone had poured cold water on my face, I wouldn't have been more shocked. “Really? In 2014?” I think to myself.

Monday, February 17, 2014

God please! ...You’re overwhelming me!

A good friend of mine Lydia, once told me about a series of encounters she had that made her go: “God please you’re overwhelming me.” And even though she couldn’t really describe her feelings at that point, or what made her so overwhelmed, I immediately understood what she was saying.

You see, being overwhelmed by God can be… well, very overwhelming and there isn’t any better way to explain this, so I’ll just give personal examples and hope that you somehow catch on.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

For those who say love isn't worth it ...

I have often heard this notion about how love is really a weakness, how it causes you to relinquish your senses, self-respect, identity, dignity and all what not. How it makes you needy, desperate, fearful and anxious. Permit me to tell you that it’s all lies; all of it.
Love is NOT any of these things.
Now I’m not going to be one of those pink-cotton-candy people who believe that love consists of white-picket fences and deliriously happy endings; that in itself would be a lie. But I’m also not going to be one of those hard-core cynics who have forced themselves to believe (perhaps out of bad experiences) that love doesn’t exist.
Love exists, in it’s beauty, honesty and splendor. I believe in God, so best believe, I believe in love.

Going through changes...


I think it was India Arie who said "change comes slowly or not at all" in one of her songs, not sure what song that is now, but I digress.
For us humans, change is the most frequent and common thing that happens to us, but it is also the hardest. Why? Because we never get used to it, we never want it to happen; especially if its change that overturns the cart and disrupts the delicate balance of our oh-so-tidy lives.
This morning as I lay on my bed, just taking in the sweetness of dawn, somethings occurred to me about change:

The thing about God's Grace...

So I went to Laterna Ventures sometime in December  and stumbled upon this book ‘Romancing the Divine: a a story about True Love’ by Don Nori. Being the sucker for love and romance that I am, I immediately picked it up. Of course I knew it wouldn’t be in the same category as a Nora Roberts or Julie Garwood novel; after all this was a Christian book.
